
How to care for mature skin so it looks young?

Multiple wrinkles, an ashy colour and a lack of firmness can characterize mature skin type. What’s more, there’s also discolouration and blemishes. How to care for mature skin? Thanks to proper skin care, your skin can appear young and glowy again. Find out how to take care of it properly.

What is mature skin?

It’s a skin type where wrinkles and furrows occur very quickly. It becomes flaccid, matte and the face shape drops. The lack of flexibility and firmness enhances the wrinkle appearance. You can also notice damage caused by sun exposure, burst capillaries and the skin getting dry and irritated very quickly.

Skin ageing doesn’t happen only in the outer layers of the skin. It’s a complicated process that affects subcutaneous tissue, dermis, as well as the epidermis. The fatty tissue reduces and wrinkles become visible. Collagen and elastin fibres break down which leads to the skin losing its firmness while the blood circulation deteriorates. As a result, the epidermis dries out, and the hydrolipid balance is disturbed. Through reduced metabolism, the skin becomes too thin and oversensitive.

What speeds up the ageing process?

  •  excessive exposure to the sun,
  • smoking, alcohol, other stimulants,
  • improper care and lack of hydration,
  • unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet, inadequate hydration,
  • toxins, smog, other environmental contamination,
  • UVA/UVB radiation.

How to care for mature skin?

Mature skin deteriorates quickly so it requires special care. Most importantly, it has to be protected against sun radiation that causes adverse skin lesions. The most crucial skincare element is doing peelings regularly. Getting rid of dead skin makes the active ingredients contained in various cosmetics absorb quicker and reach into the deepest skin layers, effectively regenerating skin cells. Peelings are an essential skincare step at any age but the effects of systematic peelings are most visible in the case of mature skin. The complexion smooths out, gains a uniform colour and wrinkles, as well as furrows, become less noticeable. Choose peeling accordingly to your skin type to not damage it further. In the case of sensitive skin, it’s best to choose enzymatic peelings which are far more delicate and more profitable than mechanical peelings.

Ingredients for mature skin – what to look for?

for a skincare product to be effective, you should look for a composition enriched with valuable ingredients that inhibit skin ageing processes and fill in already existing wrinkles. They are:

  • Retinol – an acid which has a great effect on the skin as it contains a range of rejuvenating substances. Through regular use, it flattens furrows, regulates sebaceous glands work and makes the skin gain a uniform colour. This component inhibits acne and other skin lesions.
  • Hyaluronic acid – the most crucial in skincare at any age as it nourishes deep skin layers and prevents water escape.
  • Collagen – replenishes deficiencies in the skin as well as strengthens the protective barrier and shields it from damage.
  • Peptides – promotes skin’s regenerative processes.
  • Natural oils – it’s the best care that inhibits skin ageing processes and wrinkle formation as well as regulates sebum secretion. The oils are filled with great ingredients that are crucial when caring for your skin. Valuable omega acids and essential unsaturated fatty acids support skin vitality. You can also find here phytosterols and flavonoids, which will make the skin firmer.