
Home remedies for yellow nails

Did you know that the problem of yellow nails might be eliminated at home with the use of products you have at hand? Yellow nails are mainly caused by using nail polishes but they can also be a sign of an illness. Learn about the top 5 ways to get rid of yellow nails.


DIY remedies are based on three products with whitening properties: lemon, vinegar, and baking soda. They were commonly used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. See how they can be used to put an end to the problem of yellow nails.

Causes of yellow nails:

  • using red and black nail polishes without applying a base colour underneath them – the pigments penetrate the nail plates,
  • taking certain medications and vitamins,
  •  hepatitis A and B,
  • psoriasis,
  • onychomycosis,
  •  smoking.

Lemon for yellow nails

It has brightening abilities which is why it is so commonly used in all kinds of cleaning agents. Lemon has antifungal and antibacterial capabilities that work great in eliminating blemishes. and discolouration.

Lemon for yellow nails:

  •  rub the nail late with lemon skin for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water,
  • soak nails in lemon juice for 15 minutes and scrub them with a soft brush. Then wash your nails with warm water and apply a moisturizer.

Your nails’ former glow will be restored and the yellow shade will be gone.

Vinegar for yellow nails

Acetic acid fights fungi and bacteria effectively, evens colour and promotes nail growth. It also works well in the treatment of tinea pedis. It’s possible to use regular, white or apple vinegar.

Vinegar for yellow nails:

  • mix vinegar with warmer water 50:50, soak and massage your nail plates, then dry with a towel and don’t rinse.

Repeat the process twice a week and you will quickly notice a difference.

Baking soda for yellow nails

Baking soda has bleaching properties with exfoliating effects on the skin and eliminating discolouration.

Baking soda on yellow nails:

  • mix baking soda, vinegar, and lemon with olive oil in order to get a paste-like mixture. Apply it to your nails and massage using a soft brush. Rinse with water after 20 minutes, then apply a moisturizer.