
Henna – properties and use

It is mainly used for colouring eyebrows and eyelashes and for tattooing the body. What are other less well-known uses of henna? Discover Henna and its properties.

Henna – properties 

Henna is obtained from the Lawsonia shrub, which is why it is often called the henna’s shrub. Henna is made through powdering and boiling leaves. The brown substance in which it transforms can be dried again; henna will not lose its value, and a little water will restore its liquid consistency. Henna is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese and vitamins A, B and D.

Henna – use and cosmetic properties 

Henna is famous for its colouring properties. Henna-based colouring hair dyes are commonly used. It penetrates the hair and combines with keratin. Henna hair rinses will make your hair darker, giving a more natural effect than using a shampoo or a dye. Henna does not damage hair, so even its long-term use will not hurt your hair. Henna is also used to darken eyelashes and eyebrows. In most beauty salons you can arrange a procedure that will allow forgetting about painting eyebrows for a few weeks.

Henna – use and medicinal properties

Henna also has healing properties. In traditional medicine substances derived from Lawsonia were used to treat diseases such as: leprosy, chickenpox, measles or diarrhoea. Since various parts of the plant have been found to have different properties, they are used depending on the needs:

  • leaf extract – hepatitis and venereal diseases,
  • seeds – liver disease,
  • bark – burns.

Henna may have positive effects when it comes to healing when combined with other ingredients:

  • lavander leaf extract with butter and honey cures infections of the respiratory tract,
  • powdered root combined with indigo has an abortifacient effect,
  • henna mixed with tar oil and olive oil combats dandruff.

Henna is also used in the treatment of skin diseases. In addition, it protects hair from UV radiation.

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