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Home remedies that deal with moles

Home remedies that deal with moles

Many of us complain about having moles blemishing the skin. Of course, beauty spots can be removed surgically, however, this procedure must be based on and justified by appropriate medical examination. At the same time, there are some home ways for dealing with moles, and these are cheap and safe, […]

What are the cosmetic properties of lanolin?

What are the cosmetic properties of lanolin?

Lanolin is a wax (wool wax or wool grease) secreted by sheep and other wool-bearing animals. Their sebaceous glands secrete a layer of natural fat (lanolin), which aims to protect them from adverse weather conditions. Lanolin is used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and other areas of life. Find out what properties […]

Best face oils. Why do we use them so willingly?

Best face oils. Why do we use them so willingly?

They are affordable. They work naturally due to matching the skin’s needs. They abound in valuable vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and antioxidants thanks to which they are able to nourish, rejuvenate and beautify the complexion. Which face oils are most frequently chosen? Nowadays, natural skin care methods are experiencing their renaissance. Expensive creams […]

Rosacea – causes, symptoms, treatment

Rosacea – causes, symptoms, treatment

Do you know that approximately 10% of human population suffers from rosacea? People who are highly exposed to this ailment are those who have I and II skin phototype, so this is fair complexion that is prone to sunburns. If you are an owner of this skin type, find out […]

Ethical Cosmetics. What’s that?

Ethical Cosmetics. What’s that?

Probably you know what eco, natural and vegan cosmetics are. However, it wasn’t that long time ago when a new type of conditioning and make-up products has been introduced into the market – ethical cosmetics. Do you know what it is? If not, keep reading this article and your knowledge […]